Government benefit programs can be very necessary for those with financial difficulties, but they can also be abused by those who will not work for the money. Sometimes life happens. A family might lose everything they own in a hurricane or tornado. A supporting spouse loses his job. Someone becomes very ill and unable to work. In these cases, families dealing with catastrophes need government assistance to serve as a bridge so they can get back on their feet. Without these programs, the family might otherwise starve because they currently have no means to support themselves.
Government assistance could be the difference between life and death for these people. On the other side of the spectrum, thousands of people are receiving free housing and medical aid even though not only are they without jobs, they are also not planning to look for work. Someone else’s hard-earned money is being given by the government to someone who will not make up the difference. On occasion, families have the means and ability to get back on their feet, but after living off the government’s aid for so long, they see no reason to provide for themselves. They also have no reason to work when they can receive hundreds every month in government checks for doing nothing. As mentioned above, government programs are beneficial, but their systems need to be altered.
Since there is a definite need for government aid, the systems should be altered so that honest, hard-working people will not be forced to give money, to those who do not deserve it. Government assistance also needs to be made more easily accessible for those who are truly in need of it. A possible change could be to require mandatory drug testing for those who are being considered eligible to receive government handouts. If one is required to be tested for drugs to get a job, then it stands to reason that they should be tested before receiving government benefits. Those trying to apply for jobs, who need a little extra money to get back on their feet, should be required to do civil work for the community. Possible jobs could be picking up trash, sweeping sidewalks, or even working at a local pound. This way, they can work for the money they receive and benefit the entire community with their services. To show they are actually looking for a job, people in need of assistance should be required to send the agencies proof of job interviews they have completed. The programs should also go as far as to send people who really need assistance out on job interviews and follow up on them so they know the person is willing to work, rather than relying on handouts. Lastly, if the person seeking aid cannot prove to the agency that they are trying to better themselves, there should be a time limit on the assistance they receive.
All in all, government benefit programs are a much needed resource for families who would not make it without them but as mentioned above, the systems are being abused by so many when the ones who truly need it are not given a lift. It is my hope that the few changes mentioned could be made in the system so Americans in need can live a more productive, beneficial future.